Coconut Grove

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Coconut Grove was home to Miami’s Bohemian community in the sixties. Many artists made their home in the “Grove”. Coconut Grove has a world famous art festival every February. The Grove has always been known for its’ laid back attitude but don’t let that fool you, this is also one of Miami’s Affluent areas. Bayshore Drive is currently going through a growth spurt with new multimillion Condos, there are plans for more dining and shopping along the shore and the popular Cocowalk is undergoing a complete renovation. The area is a dining and entertainment destination.

Click here to learn more about Coconut Grove.

Active Properties Statistics

Properties On Market

Single Family: 19613
Duplex: 44
High Rise (8 or more): 1619
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 6072
LowRise,Duplex: 13
ManufacturedHouse: 1138
Townhouse: 758
Townhouse,Duplex: 13
Villa Attached: 1480
Villa Detached: 109

Avg. Asking Price

Single Family: $1,194,758
Duplex: $708,594
High Rise (8 or more): $1,864,464
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $477,821
LowRise,Duplex: $426,600
ManufacturedHouse: $228,090
Townhouse: $388,862
Townhouse,Duplex: $802,223
Villa Attached: $556,203
Villa Detached: $1,189,443

Avg. Beds & baths

Single Family: 3/2
Duplex: 3/3
High Rise (8 or more): 3/2
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 2/2
LowRise,Duplex: 2/2
ManufacturedHouse: 2/2
Townhouse: 3/2
Townhouse,Duplex: 3/3
Villa Attached: 2/2
Villa Detached: 3/2

Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft

Single Family: $485
Duplex: $385
High Rise (8 or more): $791
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $324
LowRise,Duplex: $342
ManufacturedHouse: $1005
Townhouse: $235
Townhouse,Duplex: $429
Villa Attached: $330
Villa Detached: $518

Sold Properties

Average Asking Price

Single Family: $871,402
Duplex: $601,167
High Rise (8 or more): $2,067,263
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $450,631
ManufacturedHouse: $210,135
Townhouse: $391,778
Townhouse,Duplex: $499,450
Villa Attached: $550,258
Villa Detached: $1,449,260

Average Selling Price

Single Family: $825,507
Duplex: $511,083
High Rise (8 or more): $1,931,756
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $427,094
ManufacturedHouse: $195,129
Townhouse: $376,114
Townhouse,Duplex: $485,000
Villa Attached: $525,014
Villa Detached: $1,371,627

Selling vs Asking Price

Single Family: -5.27%
Duplex: -14.98%
High Rise (8 or more): -6.55%
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): -5.22%
ManufacturedHouse: -7.14%
Townhouse: -4%
Townhouse,Duplex: -2.89%
Villa Attached: -4.59%
Villa Detached: -5.36%

Avg. Days On Market

Single Family: 78
Duplex: 47
High Rise (8 or more): 111
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 91
ManufacturedHouse: 101
Townhouse: 78
Townhouse,Duplex: 72
Villa Attached: 79
Villa Detached: 45

* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.